使用Hexo框架搭建Blog有一段时间了,开始之初,惊讶于这种小巧、快速的Blog框架,只需要几个简单的命令就可以将Blog在本地搭建起来,还可以将Blog托管在Github上面,又省去了一笔服务器开销。后来我不满足于Github在国内的加载速度,我又通过学生特惠购置了一台阿里云的服务器,又经过了一番折腾,将我的Blog部署在了云端,这时候Hexo的优势就显现出来了,即使是只有1M的带宽,网站加载依旧十分快速。但是随着使用越来越频繁,一些问题也显现出来,无法进行多终端上传文章,我喜欢用我的iPad进行写文章,当我需要对Blog进行更新时,我就必须使用我的电脑,把我写好的文章,拷进source目录下,然后在通过hexo g -d命令部署上去,这个过程类似与git,只不过我的git仓库在服务器里,这就导致了我只能在一台电脑上对Blog进行部署,当然我也想过其他解决办法,但我觉得实在有些麻烦。另外,部署过程中,也出现了形形色色的bug,大概就是仓库与本地版本不一致的错误,这些bug都不是很难解决的,毕竟hexo十分快速且轻量化,大不了推倒重来。
That’s really it. We recommend Apache or Nginx as the most robust and featureful server for running WordPress, but any server that supports PHP and MySQL will do. That said, we can’t test every possible environment and each of the hosts on our hosting page supports the above and more with no problems.
Note: If you are in a legacy environment where you only have older PHP or MySQL versions, WordPress also works with PHP 5.6.20+ and MySQL 5.0+, but these versions have reached official End Of Life and as such may expose your site to security vulnerabilities.
+------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | LNMP V1.6 for Ubuntu Linux Server, Written by Licess | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | A tool to auto-compile & install LNMP/LNMPA/LAMP on Linux | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ | For more information please visit https://lnmp.org | +------------------------------------------------------------------------+ You have 11 options for your DataBase install. 1: Install MySQL 5.1.73 2: Install MySQL 5.5.62 (Default) 3: Install MySQL 5.6.44 4: Install MySQL 5.7.26 5: Install MySQL 8.0.13 6: Install MariaDB 5.5.63 7: Install MariaDB 10.0.38 8: Install MariaDB 10.1.40 9: Install MariaDB 10.2.24 10: Install MariaDB 10.3.15 0: DO NOT Install MySQL/MariaDB Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 or 0): 3 You will Install MySQL 5.6.44 =========================== Please setup root password of MySQL.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
You have 9 options for your PHP install. 1: Install PHP 5.2.17 2: Install PHP 5.3.29 3: Install PHP 5.4.45 4: Install PHP 5.5.38 5: Install PHP 5.6.40 (Default) 6: Install PHP 7.0.33 7: Install PHP 7.1.30 8: Install PHP 7.2.19 9: Install PHP 7.3.6 Enter your choice (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 or 9): 9